December 13th, 2023

Day 10

Today I will head back to Osaka. After waking up, I took a shower, and headed to the breakfast buffet.


It was pretty good, but the selection is not very varied.


Breakfast Verdict:



After breakfast, it was time for me to go back to Osaka. The train ride was uneventful, and since I had plenty of time to purchase a reserved-seat ticket, the conductor never came to me. Although the overhead storage bin/shelf is extremely shallow, so when I was sitting by myself in my row, I put my luggage next to me at the window seat. When an older guy came to me who bought the window seat ticket, I had to put my luggage on the shelf. Took some work.

I had 3 objectives today. First, I will visit the Ultraman World M78 store in Osaka that I didn’t know existed. Second, since my brother in law loves luxury watches, I will go visit Audemars Piguet store and the Rolex store for him. Third, and my most anticipated one — Japanese strip clubs. I’ve been wanting to write about this day for days, and it finally came.

My first stop, my hotel. Normally a Japanese hotel would never exceed 18 meters squared per normal room. When I looked on the listing for a hotel that is close to the Namba station, this one came up, and its regular room had a whopping 32 meters squared size. That is twice as big as a normal Japanese hotel. It’s not even that much more expensive, so I had to book this one to see what’s up.

Hotel name: Hotel Kanade Osaka Namba

Address: 1-1-3 Motomachi

Price: 434.12 RMB (61 USD)

Verdict: ★★★☆☆

My first impression: this hotel is old. Everything about this hotel shows its age; the floors, the decor, the elevator, the front desk; everything is old. I wanted to leave my stuff at the front desk, but the staff told me that I can check-in right now, which was rather a surprise. So I took the room card, which is just a flimsy piece of plastic paper, and got up to the room through the old elevator. Oh the hotel is sooooo old.

When I opened the door to my hotel room, though, I was extremely surprised. In my mind, when you open the door to your hotel room, you will be greeted with a bed. Most Japanese hotels avoid this problem by setting up a narrow walkway between the door and the bedroom so you don’t see the bedroom right away. This one though, this one is completely different.

I didn’t take a video of the hotel room, but I really should’ve. In Asian cultures, every house has a “front entrance”, or “front reception”, where you leave your shoes and change into slippers. This hotel room had one of those. It blew my freakin’ mind. The toilet, the bathroom, and the bedroom are all separated by three doors, which means that you actually have a walkway between these separate rooms. The bedroom is also very large; you could dance in there if you wanted to. I’m not gonna dance there. Just saying.

One thing I remembered very clearly is that I couldn’t get the toilet to flush. I know this hotel is old; I just didn’t know how old. No matter what I do to the lever, it just wouldn’t budge and it won’t flush. I went to the front desk and asked for a solution, and she told me to push on the lever really hard. Lol. That was the only thing I didn’t do because I didn’t want to break it. I went upstairs and tried again with force, and it flushed. Lol.

So after flushing (finally), I left for the Ultraman M78 World shop. When I was at Kobe at Day 3, I saw one of the M78 World shops. After doing some research online, I found out that they have one at Shinsaibashi Suji, so of course I must pay a visit.

Ultraman, as a series, has been my all time favorite. The first Ultraman that I watched was Ultraman Tiga when I was at age 6. At age 10, I took Japanese lessons because of Ultraman, although that failed miserably. So yes, Ultraman was the reason why I learned Japanese in the first place, and is the reason why I love Japanese culture more than I should.

China also has a love-hate relationship with Ultraman; because Ultraman has many fight scenes, some ill-minded Chinese parents blames Ultraman for their kids being violent. Anyways, because of those idiots, some scenes in Ultraman Tiga were cut, and I hate those fucking idiots so much.

Anyways, since the Ultraman series was so popular among kids, when you grow up, you’re bound to stop watching, or you will be called “juvenile”. I loved Ultraman all the way until I started high school. I specifically remember a Taiwanese kid called Leo, who mocked my preference of Ultraman. I asked him what his favorite stuff is, and he wouldn’t dare to say it back. What a little cunt. But yeah, as time grows, there’s this sentiment that you have to cut back from these perceived “juvenile” and “immature” stuff, and so, I did.

However, my nephew, loves Ultraman. He watched all the new ones; and to make sure that I can actually understand what he’s talking about, I started to watch the new ones. Now, as a grown adult, I must say, I love Ultraman! I am not ashamed of my preference; anyone who dares to mock my love of Ultraman can just go bite the curb. I am this serious. The Ultraman series, surely aimed at school kids, is constantly projecting positive messages to those kids who are still learning.

It’s not just about the fight scenes. Ultraman can only be present for 3 minutes; so for the rest of the show, it has always been the story of the people. If I am to get into this subject, it will take too long to finish. I will put up a separate blog post on this subject.


So anyways, I got to the store! How exciting! I walked around, saw every merchandise, and I wanted to buy everything. I grabbed a couple of merchandise, and the one of the super nice employees gave me a basket to carry everything. While I was selecting, I chatted with that employee, and explained that Ultraman was the reason why I learned Japanese. I think you really have to love Ultraman to want to work there every day, and once he heard that I speak Japanese because of Ultraman, he was moved inside as well. Lol.

There was a Chinese couple who spoke English to the employee. The husband asked in Chinese how many Ultramans are there in total, and the wife translated that into English for him. The employee spoke 0 English, and after he ran back to get the store’s iPad, Google Translate didn’t work. I translated for him. That was fun.

As I was picking out stuff that I want to buy for me myself and for my nephew, I had a horrible realization that I can’t buy anything too big. I am going to Koyasan tomorrow and is coming back the next day. But I’ve already put so many stuff into the basket, so I took out the heaviest stuff, and checked out the lighter stuff.

The employee who helped me check out was a girl, a very Kawaii one. She told me that I am 300 Yen short to get a free Ultraman toy. So I told her to hold it for me, and went back to the merchandise selection. One employee handed me a Ultraman bandaid, which just so happens to be 300 Yen. What a life saver. In the end, the girl employee asked for my passport and gave me the tax-free thing for tourists. That’s the first time I’ve taken my passport out for non-hotel-related stuff. I told the girl employee that I will be back to buy more stuff once I am back in Osaka. Remember her.

After enjoying myself at the paradise that is Ultraman M78 World shop, it was time for lunch. For those who clicked the “family friendly” version story, this part will not visible to them. When I was looking for entertainment ideas in Osaka, knowing that Japan is the capital of porn industry in Asia, I wanted to see some of the adult entertainment that I never once participated since the last three times I was here, I wasn’t here by myself.

While I was searching for adult entertainment, there were either escorts, private prostitution called “soap land”, and many other stuff where there is a hands on process. Well, I don’t really want to exactly “do”, I just wanted to “see”. There were recommendations for strip clubs, but that didn’t interest me either. I have lived in America since 2017, and never once have I ever stepped foot into a strip club, so why would I want to enter one in Japan?

However, as I read further, I have seen many recommendations for a certain strip club called “Asakusa Rockza”. Apparently, Rockza is a strip club chain, and the Asakusa Rockza in Tokyo’s Asakusa is the most famous of them. Then, I read some reviews of Asakusa Rockza, and it introduced a whole new world to me. Technically what they do at Rockza is strip-tease; but it is not in the sense of its western counterpart. It is uniquely Japanese, with dance moves that are extremely well choreographed and the production value not cheap.

So that peeked my interest. The one problem with visiting Asakusa Rockza is that I am in the general Kansai region; so getting to Asakusa Rockza would mean that I will need to take a train 3 hours north to Tokyo, something I did not want to do just yet.

After some research, I’ve discovered that there are two “strip-clubs” in Osaka, one named “Toyo”, and one named “Kosei”. Why did I put quotation marks around “strip-clubs”? Well, what I saw in Japan is not called “strip-club”, but “theater”. In other words, what they are doing is art, instead of stripping for sexually enticing purposes. Although both can be done at the same time.

The reason that I would dare to put the fact that I’ve been to a strip theater in Japan on my own website where people get to know the real me is that I am not ashamed of the fact that I’ve been there. Sure, I might not bring it up during conversation with someone important, but that doesn’t change the fact that what I have saw doing these 6 days shocked me to my core.

I wanted to go visit both Toyo and Kosei today, so I had to plan my day a little bit differently. At that time, I thought that when I pay for a ticket, I am only allowed to stay for one show; which turns out to be false; but that’s what I had in mind. Both Toyo and Kosei had a similar schedule, so I cannot go visit them one after the other. They all start at 12:00 PM, and that’s my lunch time, so I will go get lunch.

After visiting Ultraman M78 World, since the shop is located in a department store building, I decided to get lunch from the same building. There wasn’t anything special, but since I wanted to try everything in Japan, I chose the deep-fried pork cutlet shop. The shop offers “black pigs”, which seems to be a special premium kinda pig, just sounds racist lol.

When I got in and started to inspect the menu, other than the usual deep fried pork cutlets which is a staple of the Japanese cuisine, there is a “teppan” one where it is again pan fried on a hot plate. That seemed interesting and since I’ve never had it before, I ordered that one.

Soon the food arrived. Listen to that sizzling!


This is the food set. It is indeed very different compared to the normal deep fried cutlets; I just don’t know if it’s for the better or for worst. First of all, it is certainly more entertaining when first served. The steam coming from the cutlet itself, and later, from the sauce that the waiter poured onto the plate was very entertaining. The steam, however, made the pork surface very wet. The major selling point of normal cutlet is that the surface texture is very crunchy; but since the steam engulfed the entire meat of this hot plate one, the surface is no longer crunchy. I certainly don’t really care about the crunchiness, but that sounds it will matter to a lot of people.

The cabbage, on the other hand, was cooked to the point that I would like it to be. Normal cabbage served with the normal cutlet will always be raw. I never quite understood why people like to eat raw cabbage, but it is definitely edible. This time, however, since the pork was served on a hot plate, the cabbage was too; and it was placed under the pork, so by the time I eat, the cabbage was fully cooked and was dipped in the pork’s sauce. It was very delicious. Overall, I enjoyed the food today.


Restaurant Verdict:



Next, it is my time to head to the strip show in Osaka. There are two, and I chose to go visit “Toyo” first. There are normally 4 shows a day, and it always starts at 12. Since I ate lunch, I will miss the first show, so I thought I’d just watch the second one. After the second one, there won’t be enough time for me to get to the third show at the other theater “Kosei”, so I will just catch its last show.

This is back when I thought that a ticket only covers one show. Keep reading though.

When I got to Toyo, I was kinda nervous. I’ve never been to an adult establishment, bars included, so straight up going to a strip club makes me both excited and nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. After I reached Toyo, I purchased the ticket of 4,500 Yen from a machine, use that 4,500 Yen to exchange a proper ticket at the front desk. The price of 4,500 Yen covers both admission and either a photo or a drink of your choice. I did not know what taking a photo means by then, so I just grabbed my ticket and hoped for the best.

The second show was yet to start, and the good seats have all been taken. The way that Japanese people take a seat is not by sitting on it; they way they take a seat is by putting something on the seat itself and then they can go about and do other stuff like taking a leak.


This is a drawing of what the stage looks like at Toyo. At first, I didn’t know where to sit, since I’ve never been to one. There are seats that face the middle rectangular section of the stage, and seats facing the circular section of the stage. Didn’t give it much thought before I just picked a seat near the circular stage. It was the right choice.

After much waiting, the show started. The first one to come on stage was 虹歩, or “Nijiho”. She does not have a fake last name to come with her fake first name, so just call her Nijiho. She danced incredibly well; there is power to her every move; and every dance move was there to serve a purpose. She is also very fast, making her efficient with every step. And this is just the part where she doesn’t get naked.

So yes, the first part of her show was not naked. In fact, everything was very well covered. For a second there I thought I was in for the wrong stuff. She finished her first song, changed into something else, and finished her second song. By the end of the second song, she started to disrobe. By the end of the third song, she had only one transparent coat on and everything else is on display. By “everything”, I mean everything. Not only do you see the breast part, you also see her lady bits.

I was in complete shock. I am embarrassed to say this, but at age 23, at this point, I have never seen a woman naked. It shocked me to my every core that not only can you see breasts at a Japanese strip club, you also get to see dancers doing special poses to expose those parts even further. It’s also funny that people clap along with the beat, and clap ferociously when the dancer exposed her lady bits in those special moves. I think it’s a tradition that dancers do that special pose and wait for the crowd to clap. Either way, Nijiho’s performance left me without a jaw for a while.

Just when I thought her performance was finished, she came upstage again except she wore a t-shirt and nothing else. She danced to the beat but did not have a fixed routine, and showed her lady bits to the audience by spreading her legs. This is the part where people tip.

While I was still in shock, the second dancer came upstage. Her name is 藤咲茉莉花, or Fujisaki Marika, and she also gave a very fascinating performance. Unlike Nijiho’s, Marika’s dance is themed. She gave another unforgivable dance where she is fighting between two personalities in a traditional Japanese dress. After her dance, she came upstage again and did the same flashing lady bits part like Nijiho.

The third dancer was ののか, Nonoka. She did not have a last name, or so I’ve thought; but I didn’t know it then. Her dance is also very powerful; except that you can tell from her pose that she is extremely tired. She did her best dancing, but when doing those poses where people are supposed to clap, you can see her muscles trembling. After her dance, she did the bit where she flashed her lady bits, and then the lights came up. I thought that was it, however, the PA announced that it is now picture time.

I thought that the show is probably over, and I had no idea what the hell this picture time is. Since I have a free photo that came with my ticket, I decided to take one. The first one that came out from behind the curtains was Nonoka, and she came out fully dressed; although the dress is kinda see through. I thought picture time is just that, so I went up to her. There is a guy next to her who collects money. I gave him my ticket, and asked him to take a picture of the two of us. The guy then gave me a ticket to retrieve my pictures at the end of the show when it is done printing.

For some unknown reasons, there is a rule at the theater that forbids uploading a picture of the dancer online, even if you are the one who took it, and even if it is of the two of you, so I will not post it here. It was just a tame picture, though.

Since I didn’t know then, I thought the show just ended with three dancers, so I was about to go. I grabbed my bag and was just kinda waiting around, and then I started to see the dancers taking off their clothes. I was shocked again. I didn’t know that you can take picture of them naked. So I rushed to both Nijiho and Marika to take a picture of just us two, and rushed back to Nonoka to take a picture of us two. Each picture is 500 Yen, by the way.

One thing that I can’t forget is taking the picture with Marika. When I approached her, I asked her if she could get naked, and she did. She then saw my necklace, which is of a gourd. I was told by a psychic that I can wear gourds to improve my luck, and so I did. She pointed to my necklace, told me it was adorable, and we took the picture together.

I thought the show was over, so I grabbed my bag and went to the front desk to ask for my pictures. The front desk lady told me that they are not yet printed, and I can go back to enjoy the show. That’s when I realized that holy crap the show is not over. I rushed back, and luckily no one took my seat. It’s not like it’s a very good seat anyways, but I’m glad no one took it. By the time I was at the front desk, there was yet another show where the three all came onto the stage to show off their lady bits. I was not there at first.

The next dancer that came up was called ももせおと, or Momose Oto. She did not have a Kanji name. Unlike all the three before, she did not go with the “powerful dance” route. Her dance is very mellow. It’s not that she is a bad dancer; she just danced in a different style. She is trying to go the “cute” route (cute as in “Asian cute”), so her dance moves are a lot smoother compared to the earlier three. She is also very perky, full of energy. She is not what I would describe as “the prettiest”, but isn’t a girl’s energy that is the most important?

After Momose, it was 早乙女らぶ, Saotome Rabu, or as she had her name spelled in English: “Saotome Love”. She went with both the “powerful” route and the “cute” route, so it was a mixture of everything.

When it was picture time, I was the first at Saotome’s line. When she got out, I asked her if she could take her clothes off. She told me that to come back later; now is the time for people who want to take pictures of her with her clothes on. The guy who is in charge of money already took my money and gave me an exchange ticket, so he asked for the ticket back and gave me my 500 Yen coin back. So I waited, and took the pictures with Saotome and Momose.

After picture time, it was Saotome and Momose’s turn to both be on stage to show their lady bits. After that, all five dancers, dressed in the same kinda dress, did a final show with clothes on, and that was it. I saw everyone else grab their bags and got out to the lobby, and I followed suit. I went to the front desk to ask for the pictures, and I was on my way.

What can I say, my jaws were still kinda loose to this day. Like I’ve said, I’ve never seen a woman naked. I would be lying if I have said that I’ve never seen porn, but the immediacy of in-person nudity trumps everything that I’ve seen before through a computer monitor. Even though there was nothing “overtly sexual” and everything was done in an artsy way, it was still shocking. Wow.


Toyo Show Theater (Dec. 13) Verdict:



After the show, it was time for me to go check out luxury watches for my brother in law. I’ve checked for him in both America and in Korea, so I was kinda certain that none will be there for him in Japan as well; but since he asked, I might as well go ask for him.

I first hit up the Audemars Piguet store. It was difficult to find. For reasons unknown to me, when following Google Map’s guidance to the AP store that I’ve walked passed on Day 1, it took me to a completely different location inside the Shinsaibashi Suji. I had to find the AP store through memory, in a completely new city that I’ve only been for 3 days. I did find it, though. So good memory, Brian.


Walked passed someone singing. Didn’t know who they were, but they can’t be too famous, or else why would they sing in the streets? There were crowds though, so what do I know.


Walked passed this Ramen place. I think this was one of the ramen stores that was used in the RGG games.

Anyways, I got to the AP store. I don’t buy myself anything close to the price that these Swiss watch retailers charge for, so of course I don’t know what to expect when stepping into the store. When I stepped in, I asked for the watch models that my brother in law wanted. The staff was very quick to tell me that none of these are in stock. I asked him what is in stock, he then showed me a book of the models that he said clearly was “in stock”. I asked if I could take pictures of the watch models on the book, he said no. He also told me that I can’t buy the watch for someone else, and it must be for myself. Wink wink.

Anyways, the AP store was a bust. There was still some time for me to go hit up the Rolex store before needing to go to the station and check out the show at Kosei. I decided to eat something, but not too much, so I picked the wagyu stick that I had on Day 2.


It’s not the best choice. I still doubt that they used Wagyu. Can’t taste anything Wagyu from the wagyu stick. Still, it was still protein from beef. Not from the best beef, of course.

Next, I went to the Rolex store inside the Takahashi Department Store. It took me a while to get to the department store, and it took me a while to find the Rolex store in the department store. Not only does the department store have multiple floors, it also had a connecting bridge that actually takes you to a different building called “Swiss Hotel”. So yes, the Rolex store is located in the “Swiss Hotel”, not Takashima Department Store. But you get in through Takashima Department Store. Very stupid indeed.

Anyways, I got there, lined up, and when it was my turn to get into the store, I just got in. By then, I didn’t know the special rules with luxury watch shopping. I always thought that it is a “if in stock, pay, and get what you want” kinda deal. No, with luxury watches, you must build a foundation and a relationship with the specific employee, and if they like you enough, they will “award” you with the chance to buy the watch.

I didn’t know all that shit before, so when I got in, I just asked for the specific watch models that my brother in law wanted. The employee asked me to wait a bit for her to go back to the storage room to check. After about 2-3 minutes, she came back, saying there’s none available. I then asked if I can just buy a Rolex from their store without a prior purchase history, she said yes. With that information in mind, I left.

After calling my brother in law and reported this information, we concluded that there must be some in stock, because she did go back to the storage room to check stock availability. Next time I will ask if anything is in stock. Spoiler alert: there’s none.

Next up: Kosei Show Theater! I was pleasantly surprised by what was at Toyo this afternoon, so I was almost as sure that the show at Kosei will be just as good. I got off at Fuse Station, and after a while of walking, I reached Kosei. Based on appearance alone, Kosei is much older and much less well refurbished than Toyo. The theater is upstairs too, but unlike Toyo, at Kosei, you purchase a ticket at the building entrance, which is at the first floor. It is a lot less intimidating to enter when there’s someone at the first floor welcoming you, compared to at Toyo, which you would need to enter the second floor alone. I kinda get why Toyo does this, to limit the time the customer has to spend on the street so they won’t get recognized, but still.

The ticket at Kosei is also more expensive, at 6,000 Yen per person. The ticket price does not come with any photo voucher like Toyo, and a picture is still set at 500 Yen, which is not bad. Even though I came at the time where the last show was supposed to begin, the price does not decrease; which wasn’t a big problem at the time.

The inside of the building is also “Boroboroda” if you know any Japanese at all. Its comparably less maintained. It’s not dirty by all means, it’s just that the age of the building is very visible, and there was no work done to refurbish it. This must be how the building looked like in the 80s.

There is no “lobby” at Kosei, just a small corridor outside of the theater where people can take a drag, and a small bathroom only for men. I guess women can use the bathroom inside the makeup room with the dancers. When I got to the top floor, I saw a machine that exchanges 1,000 Yen bills into 500 Yen coins, so I started to do that. After the first 3, it was fine; however, after I pushed in the 4th 1,000 Yen bill, the machine stuck. Not only did it eat my 1,000 Yen bill, it also didn’t exchange any 500 Yen coins.

There was a very friendly guy in his 40s of 50s who was taking a smoke, who said I shouldn’t worry about it and he will let the staff know. I didn’t know if he is a customer or if he is a staff member; but he was wearing a suit, so I assumed that he is just a customer. He also said that I can enter the show now; I don’t have to wait for the show to end. The show is at the end of its 3rd stage, so I can still see some stuff at the 3rd show. I got in when the 3rd and 4th dancer have finished dancing and are taking pictures. Oh boy.

I sat at a random seat in a corner, so I can grab a good one at the end of the night. On the stage being taken pictures are Kingyo and Yukishiro Ayame. I didn’t see them dance, but oh wow, based on the picture poses from Kingyo, I am extremely surprised. At Toyo, it is very contained; and by contained, I mean that they don’t go over the top with what’s under the panties stuff. Here, though, they do that. I won’t go into much detail, because it is not my place to put it onto the internet when it is a well known open secret; but you can guess what I mean. I was taken by surprise of how they are taking the pictures and the poses that were being asked.


This is what the stage at Kosei looks like. It does not have a middle bridge that connects the main stage to the rotating platform. People sit around the stage in a circle.

Either way, at the end of picture time, it was the last performance, and performed by Aoyama Yui. Compared to the lean build of normal stereotypical Japanese women, Aoyama has a very busty build. Her dance is very powerful; her build did not slow her down.

At the end of the stage, all the dancers came upstage to thank the audience, and they collected some donation money that I didn’t know what for; but since I was planning on staying at the 4th stage, I didn’t donate anything.

When the 3rd stage ended, someone approached me saying something about money exchange. I thought this person wanted to exchange money with me, but he was there to return my 1,000 Yen bill to me. Turns out, the friendly guy at the lobby let the staff know and got my money back to me. He is so very nice.

About 1/3 of the audience left, and the rest started to move forward. I seized the opportunity and grabbed a seat in the front. When I settled down, an old guy tapped me on the back and said something about seats. I am really having a hard time understanding them, for one, they’re old, and for two, they’re basically all speaking in the Kansai vernacular, or Kansai accent. As someone who is still learning Japanese, I am already trying my damndest when someone speaks the standardized Japanese, when someone speaks Kansai vernacular, which is considerably different compared with the standardized one, it makes it too hard for me.

Either way, the old guy said something about seats, I thought he was saying about how to grab one of the seats; however, he later explained that I took his seat. Based on what I read and saw, you are supposed to leave something on the seat when you leave; and the seat I took didn’t have anything on it. Turns out, the old man had his own seat cushion, and I didn’t recognize that it wasn’t the theater’s cushion. I returned his seat back to him and grabbed a seat next to it, which was, luckily, empty.

I apologized for taking his seat, and explained to him that I’m a newcomer to the whole strip show thing, and that I’ve never even been to a strip club in America. He then started to teach me somethings about the strip show, including the fact that Aoyama Yui, the dancer that just danced earlier, is a Japanese AV actress. Wow. That was very interesting to know. He asked me if I am coming back, I said definitely. He then recommended for me to return on the Friday the 15th, which is special for some reason I didn’t quite understand because he spoke in the Kansai vernacular. Either way, I will be back, for sure.

After a while of waiting, the last show started. The first one to come on stage was 海乃雪妃, Umino Yuki. She is by no means lean, because she is extremely muscular, but not in a macho way. Her dance is more of the “powerful” style where she moves fast and is everywhere all at once. At the open show, she opened her lady bits up by hand, and it was extremely shocking. Toyo did not have that.

The second one was “ake”. She did not have a traditional Japanese name. By traditional, I mean that a fictitious Japanese last name plus a fictitious Japanese first name, something like what the first person had. It’s just plain English. I shouldn’t say it’s English, cuz it’s not English pronunciation, but Japanese pronunciation. By English pronunciation, it would make her name sound as “ache”. She looked extremely young, and had a very young-person-like personality. Her dance is the mixture of power and mellowness, and I really liked her song choices.

After ake finished her dance, it was picture time again. Since I saw that people took pictures of the girl’s lady bits, I thought that I would get them too. So I went up to the girls, except that I wasn’t allowed to do that. I wanted to take a picture of the both of us, but only with the top part. By then, I didn’t know about the rules, so I was quite confused. In the end, I just took 3 pictures with each of the girls. This is when I learned that a picture of the two of us is called “two-shot”, a thing that Japanese people say. Interesting.

After picture time, the third to come on stage was 金魚, or Kingyo. She also did not have a fictitious Japanese last name, or even just a regular Japanese first name, just Kingyo, which means gold fish, the small one. She is the powerful type dancer, and the thing that again struck me hard was the fact that she masturbated right there on the stage with a dildo. You read right. She masturbated on the rotating platform with a dildo. Wow.

The fourth one was 雪城あやめ, or Yukishiro Ayame. Her last name Yukishiro by literal Kanji meaning, means “city of snow”, and by Japanese pronunciation, it means “white as snow”. Of course, with my Japanese skills, I did not know that you’re supposed to pronounce it as Yukishiro, as I thought the “city” part of her last name was supposed to be pronounced as “Jo”, making her name “Yukijo”. What do I know.

Either way, her skin is really fair, making her really “as white as snow”. She is also very pretty; but her dance was not good. There wasn’t a lot of movements with her dance, as her body remained stationary most of the time. She was also very slow with her moves, so it wasn’t as entertaining as the earlier ones I’ve seen today.

After Ayame finished her dance, I took 3 pictures with her and Kingyo. Kingyo had a very cold personality, or the personality she pretends to be to make her stand out more. She definitely is a very warm and nice person inside, but her “setting” is to be cold, which was funny. I remember her making comments on why taking every picture as a two-shot.

When it’s time with me taking pictures with Ayame, she mistook me and the guy who always takes pictures for me as father and son, cuz we were always talking. Oh yes, the guy sitting right to me, a very nice guy, has been taking all my pictures for me. We talked every time there it is picture time.

I’ve also got to chat with a lot of the older guys there, and to make the conversation interesting, I shared that I will be making a stop to Koyasan, an extremely Buddhist mountain tomorrow to live in a temple for one night. They all found this information to be interesting and funny. Going to such a religious place right after visiting somewhere that is so polar opposite. Funny, Brian.

The last to come on stage was 青山ゆい, Aoyama Yui, the porn star. She is the only porn star of the roster at Kosei. I asked her if she really is a porn star, and she said yes, and it has been a very long time.

The guy also told Yui that I am American and I am being shocked and amazed by everything I am seeing here. Which I really was.

He then took pictures of the girls’ lady bits, and since I thought I can’t take those home, I asked him why take these pictures even if he knows he can’t take these pictures home. I didn’t think he understood my question, or if I said it wrong. Either way, I did not know what was what until the next time I am here.

I also saw the guys taking some stuff from the girls after taking the pictures. I did not know what those were. Not then.

After picture time, it was the open show for Yui. After that, there’s no finale where every dancer comes out and thank the audience, it was just Yui. I asked her if she will still be here on Friday, two days from today; she said yes. It was back when I didn’t know the scheduling thing is with the strip clubs.

Anyways, that ended my crazy day with the world of Japanese strip clubs. Holy crap was it worth the money that I’ve spent. I still have sharp memory of this day till now; this is how much it meant to me. For a guy who’s never seen a girl naked, well, you tell me.


Kosei Show Theater (Dec. 13) Verdict:



Got back to my hotel, looked up Aoyama Yui, and yes, she really is a porn star. She does look very different compared to when she was young tho.


BTW, this is a map of all the remaining strip theaters in Japan. This was on the wall of Kosei. This is also when I knew that there really isn’t much competition between these theaters and they all just want more people to know that these still exist. Not competition, just companionship.


Activity Tally




14.3 KM

Flights Climbed


Standing Time

15 Hours