Unconditional Love — The Full Story

Unconditional love, is that you care for this person more than anything else in the world. You would do anything for that person, ignoring consequences.
— Liren Cao
画板 2@2x.png

Unconditional Love — The Full Story

This logo, first designed and employed by my sister Maggie, means “Unconditional Love”. She first started using this Logo for her second clothing store in Arcadia, CA. To be honest, I can’t remember what her first logo was like, or as a matter of fact, what was it called; but compared with the first cartoonish logo with wings, this logo is definitely more mature. Many friends have complimented the design of this logo, and this, all came from my sister.

What is Love if it is Not Unconditional

To the teenage me back then, this concept was nothing but romantic. It was one of the most romantic concept I have ever heard, being that, Love, is Unconditional. It got me thinking. What is unconditional love? Can Love still happen if it is conditional? What counts as Unconditional Love? The conclusion I got after great amount of thinking, is this: what is Love if it is not Unconditional? You love a person with everything you’ve got, any time, any place. This has been my go-to answer if anyone asks what the logo meant.

Why Did I start Using the Logo

I first started using this logo for the album cover for the song “The Longest Time”. Granted that it was only a small part and was hand-drawn no less, but it was still the first time I incorporated this logo into one of my creations.

When I finished the final touchups on the characters, the surrounding white areas looked empty. That’s why I decided to add words, and in the end, there is still a blank area on the top right. That’s when it hit me. I can add the logo there! Turns out, hand drawing the logo into the album cover was the smartest decision. If it was the actual printed logo on there, it wouldn’t look as good because it would stand out too much.

How Did I “Re-find” the Logo

This is a very interesting story. When I finished composing my first song ever, “Heaven to Earth”, I needed an album cover so I could release it to online stores. After shooting the photo and finished final touchups on the main elements of the photoshoot, it came to me, that I should finally put this logo in my album picture. After all, this song, is dedicated to my sister. It would be so much better if I could actually incorporate her logo into the song.

I immediately contacted my mom back in China, who promised will look for it. My sister used to sell her clothes in her shop with the tag that had the logo on it. Her stuff was hidden inside our home in China to avoid crying every time we see it. That’s when it hit me again. When my sister passed away, my mom gave me a few t-shirts that she didn’t get to sell back then, and they had the tag on it! That’s when I rushed to the wardrobe, took off the tag, scanned it on my printer, smooth out the edges, and put it in the album cover here, and looked quite nice.

The Logo you see on my site now, is not from that tag. I hired someone on Taobao for about $7 bucks to “redesign” the logo in Adobe Illustrator so the logo would be smooth however I want to zoom it in. It was too much of a hassle for me to learn Illustrator when I can just use Photoshop, but in this case Photoshop won’t do much help.


This Logo is the creation of my sister. I will continue her legacy in this world by continue to use her logo in my creations. I have updated past album pictures with my label company with this logo