The Brightest Star in the Skies


Release date: July 23, 2019. ISRC: QZFZ62022679. DK UPC: 195163975576. Label: 1803039 Records DK

Escape Plan (逃跑计划), Performed by Brian the Amateur

This is the first video I have ever made, or as a matter of fact, the first piece of music (cover) actually entirely done by myself. I used to always rely on other musician’s instrument version to be able to sing, now I am able to just do whatever the hell I want with the music.

Since I didn’t know a thing named capo existed and didn’t want to learn how to play higher pitched chords, I lowered the song to where a normal Em, C, G, D can play. This made my life easier for playing both the piano and the guitar. However, the problem came with the beginning, where the sound was too low for my voice. I couldn’t even sing at that low. That’s how, I manipulated the song and tuned it up, recorded my voice while it’s tuned up, and then lower my recorded voice to be pasted onto the app. That resulted my voice in the beginning to be way heavier.

Another interesting thing to talk about: this whole thing was edited on Final Cut Pro X, yeah, you read right, it was edited on a video editing software, not an audio editing software! Why? I only knew how to operate video editing softwares like FCPX, plus I didn’t know Logic Pro existed. Since I was recording on my phone, I just needed send it to my laptop (using a mac and an android phone, so airdrop is a nono) and paste it onto FCPX, so I didn’t really need Logic Pro X’s fancy features because this is kind of like a trial run.

One interesting piece of trivia: this whole thing was recorded on the microphone of a Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Yes, you read it right, the entire thing was recorded on a cell phone without any professional sound collecting equipment. Piano, yes, guitar, yes, voice, yes! I first recorded piano by directly placing the phone onto the piano’s speaker. If I made a mistake, I pause, and rerecord.


Album Cover

Release date: July 23, 2019. ISRC: QZFZ62022679. DK UPC: 195163975576. Label: 1803039 Records DK

Release date: July 23, 2019. ISRC: QZFZ62022679. DK UPC: 195163975576. Label: 1803039 Records DK

Even though this is the first song I have ever made public of (or ever made), this is the second album cover I have created. The creation process was easy enough, grab a picture, put texts in pink, and take the contrast out of everything.

It was easy, but looked way nicer than the first “meme-like” album photo I made. Click here to learn more.



This song is translated by me, from Escape Plan’s original song, “夜空中最亮的星”. I knew that if I want send something on YouTube for everyone to watch, it cannot be in Chinese, because no American will be interested in reading squarish characters and listening to things that to them, are “non-sense”. Translating was a fun part of this whole project, because not only do you have to translate what the author wanted to express, you also had to make sure your syllables hit the precise note to achieve the effect that the composer wanted.

I actually wrote a paper on my translation process in my Political Science class. You can check it out here…






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