December 19th, 2023

Day 16

Today is the last full day I have in Japan as part of my Japan 2023 trip, and yes, I’ve decided to spend the entire day at Kosei. Last time, I couldn’t stay there the entire day because I was too hungry and tired from the temple’s early morning hours and vegan breakfast, so this time, I prepared myself to stay for the entire day, which seemed like something Japanese people would do.

After I woke up, I didn’t take a shower like I usually did after a hotel stay. The room smelled terrible, so I figured that I would take a shower after eating breakfast to wash that smell away and smell refreshingly good.

So I did. Here is a picture of the breakfast options. It was not bad.


After breakfast, I went back to my room to take a shower, grabbed all my stuff, and headed to my next hotel.

I chose the hotel that I stayed at on Day 10. When I first stayed there, I was appalled by the age of the hotel and the relatively badly aged interior. However, I have soon found out its charm, and since this hotel is so close to Namba Station, I wouldn’t need to be in a hurry the next morning when I need to head to the airport through Namba Station.

Hotel name: Hotel Kanade Osaka Namba

Address: 1-1-3 Motomachi

Price: 465.56 RMB (66 USD)

Verdict: ★★★★☆

When I got to the hotel, the front desk staff didn’t let me in the morning like last time, which was understandable, the room wasn’t ready yet today. I left my stuff there at the front desk, and headed to Toyo to retrieve my signed pictures from yesterday. When I got to Toyo at 11:20 AM, the entrance on the first floor that takes you to the stairs is open; but once you climbed to the second floor, the second floor itself was locked by a folding gate. They seriously do not open the gate until it’s 11:30. There are people waiting by the door already, and yes, the chubby girl that liked Nonoka that I mentioned from last time was there too.

When the door finally opened, I waited for everyone to get in, and only then, I went up to the front desk to ask for my pictures. Marika’s, Oto’s, and Rabu’s signed pictures are all done, Nonoka’s was the only one that wasn’t done. Again, there’s nothing I could do about the situation, so I had to leave. My objective is Kosei, anyways, and I can head back to Toyo tomorrow morning, although it would make it a very busy morning.

When I got off at Fuse Station, the station that is the closest to Kosei, I started to walk towards the theater. Just before I reach the theater, I saw a woman in white winter jacket with a giant white suitcase that sprinted right past me. I recognized her from her masked face, she is Kingyo. Clearly she was late, since I was late for the first show as well. She left her suitcase on the first floor and ran to the second floor. After I showed the staff my prepaid ticket, I asked if they needed me to bring it to the second floor, since I’m going; the guy was old and also has a Kansai accent so I must misunderstood him. I thought he said yes please, so I started to carry it upstairs. Halfway on the stairs, he stopped me and told me it’s okay, which is the Japanese way of saying no. I just returned it to him and walked upstairs.

I arrived at Yuki’s picture time, so I missed her dance. The front row seats were all gone, which was a damn shame, so I took a seat at the second roll and went to take a picture of Yuki. There was nothing special about the first show, everything was ordinary. The second show, though, was completely different.

When Yuki started to dance at the second show, I was surprised. It was a dance that I’ve never seen before on both Day 10 and Day 12, complete with background music that is completely different. There’s always a certain theme to Yuki’s dance, and yes the theme is similar, but the dance was different. This time, she used a Tengu mask as her prop, you know, Tengu, the Japanese deity with very long nose, and yes, she did masturbate with that long nose. When it’s picture time, I asked her to kiss the mask while I take the picture as a pose. I wanted her to kiss the nose, but I didn’t mention the nose part, and she just kissed the mask on the mouth, which was fine.

Ake, the second dancer, also had a different show. This time, she wore a traditional Japanese kimono on stage, with a tray that has ink, pen brush, and an empty foldable fan. As part of the dance, she wrote something on the fan with ink, and gave it to a person in the front row. I thought that would be such a cool souvenir, so when it’s picture time, I just asked her bluntly that I wanted a fan too. She agreed, and asked me to sit in the front row, because she really couldn’t give it to me when I’m in the second row. She will perform the same thing at the fourth show, so all I had to do was squeeze into the front row at the fourth show.

Kingyo did not have a new dance prepared, and that’s good, because her 2nd and 4th show dance was the dildo play, and that’s just good enough to never be switched.

Ayame’s new dance, though, is sooo sooo much better. When I realized that they are doing new dances, I didn’t think that Ayame would be doing a new dance as well, because last time she mentioned to me that she is a newbie, which is the reason why she only has one dance. She did prepare a new dance, and it involved a lot more movements compared to her old dance. It was much more entertaining. At her old dance, she covered up her belly where the stretch marks from giving birth was quite obvious; at her new dance, though, she just took everything off, which probably signaled that she is fine with showing off her birthing marks.

For Yui, though, I could not remember her new dance. It was either that she didn’t have a new dance or that I forgot she had one; but I am leaning towards the memory that she didn’t have a new dance.

The third show was the same as the first show, which is the old dance that I’ve already seen, so there’s nothing special about it. Though, I believe by that point I have told every dancer that today is my last day in Japan and will be heading back to China tomorrow. The third show was also the dirty pictures time, and I fully expected that the girls will write something like come back soon onto the signed pictures.

When it was ake’s picture time, since I’ve watched and learned from so many of the old guys, I’ve learned names of the poses that they could do, and when I told ake what I wanted for a pose, she smiled and said that I’ve learned a lot of the professional lingo. That’s true, been learning and studying every day for the past few days. Lol.

After Ayame’s show, she came back on stage at picture time with a sexy FC Barcelona jersey. It was number 10, but the name was “baby”. I wasn’t going to take a picture at the fourth show, but I took a two-shot with her in that costume anyways. FC Barcelona was the legend when I was a kid, and I specifically like Lionel Messi, sooooo. She commented that I took a lot of pictures, and if these pictures will be safe because airports are very strict. I replied that I am not sure, but I will hide them well. That received a few laughters from the other audience.

I also liked Ayame’s music choice, so I asked her what’s the name of the song she used in her second dance. She couldn’t remember the name, and told me that she will write it on the back of the picture when she returns it to me.

I can’t remember what show it was, but Yui told me to read the message she wrote in English. She also wrote everything in English on Day 12, and she wrote it with the help of Google Translate. She volunteered that information, after I was shocked by how good her English was. This time, she wrote that she would be having her 16th anniversary in January, and I said that I would probably come. She would have it here at Kosei, so that was rather convenient.

At the fourth show, though, it was the new dances again. I learned my lesson about taking dirty pictures on the fourth show, so I just went there to retrieve my picture from Yuki after she finished dancing. I thanked her for letting me see everything, and she wished that I have a safe trip back.

When it’s ake’s turn, I knew that I would be receiving the fan from her, and after a while of her drawing and waiting for it to dry, she handed the fan to me. Oh yes, I managed to get a front row seat before the fourth show started. Some of the old guys don’t wait til the fourth show because they sleep early, I’m guessing. I was happy to receive the fan from ake, and I decided to take two pictures of her with the fan. After I took the pictures, she asked me if I read what she wrote on the fan, I said no. She read it to me: “好き、早く会いたい、気をつけてかえてね あけ”. That loosely translated to: “Like you, want to meet you again soon, be careful and come back, ake”. Holy shit. I knew she probably didn’t 100% mean what she wrote, but that was still very thoughtful as a parting gift. This is also customized for me, since I’ve asked in advance, so I love it, and was quite moved by it.

I thanked her for creating such good memories for me, and told her that I would be taking home the pictures that I just took. When it’s the open show, it was the first time that I have tipped. I’ve seen the Japanese people tip, they only tip paper bills, and the lowest one is 1,000 Yen. They fold it in half horizontally, and the girls will take it from them either by hand or by boobs. I never understood the concept of tipping, and as someone who hates the tipping culture in America, I didn’t want to tip. I always thought that I am already supporting these dancers by taking a lot of pictures, when I pay for something I at least get something in return, tipping is just throwing money away for no good reason. I didn’t know it then that the dancers do not get a cut from the picture sales, they get nothing! But back then, I didn’t know. It’s with ake that I started to tip. She did such a thoughtful thing to me, tipping is my way of saying thanks.

When it’s Kingyo’s turn, she did her usual dildo play. This time, though, she left a dildo on the rotating platform by accident, and people asked her to pose with that. Oh I forgot to write it here, Kingyo had one of those fans that throws ribbons for her too, you know, like the guy I met on Day 14 at DX Tohji. This time, though, I approached the guy after Kingyo’s performance, and asked him why he did this. It turns out, that they are just fans of the dancers, and the dancers don’t ask for them to do it, they just do it voluntarily. Oh the dedication. I commented that Kingyo must be happy that you do this for her, but that fan said with a half smiling half sad face, that Kingyo probably doesn’t care if he does this. Of course, Kingyo has that “I don’t give a shit about anything” setting that she adheres to, so it’s understandable.

Anyways, that fan asked Kingyo to insert the dildo in while he takes the picture, and Kingyo did just that. I saw that, and asked Kingyo to do it too, but since it’s the fourth show, I would be taking it home. Kingyo explained to me that she can’t take pictures like that for take it home because it would violate a rule here, she can only do it if I retrieve it from her personally. She did, though, sit on the tip of the dildo, which was enough for this trip.

After I took the picture, I told her that I saw her running past me this morning because she’s late, and she smiled awkwardly. I also told her that she is the first person that I have ever seen that showed me what penetration looked like, and I thank her for that. She smiled, and said that please enjoy strip theaters more. I said of course, and when I come back some day, I will look her up and catch one of her shows again. When it’s her open show, I tipped again.

After Ayame’s dance, I waited til the end of the line because I was only there to retrieve the photos from her. When it’s my turn, she showed me the name of the song that I asked, but she asked me to not share the name of the song anywhere. I was surprised, because I didn’t think it mattered; but when I asked why I couldn’t do it, the MC in the back opened the curtain back up for her to get back to the backstage, and she said in a hurry that there are rules, and hurried backstage. Didn’t get to say thank you to her yet, and that thank you went into the tips that I gave her at the open show.

At Yui’s last dance, though, I sincerely thanked her and told her that I am seriously considering coming to her 16th anniversary here at Kosei, and tipped at her open show. After her open show, she came out to send off the audience because there’s no finale since all the other girls have left. I thanked her again, received my pictures from the guys at the front desk downstairs, and went on my way back to the hotel.

When I got back to my hotel, though, I started to sort the pictures. When I was sorting through ake’s pictures, I had a very surprising but bad finding. She used colored tape to cover up her lady bits of the two photos I took of her at the fourth show. She was thoughtful enough to double tape the top area of the tape so it would be easier for me to remove them later, but the tape doesn’t come off by itself. It left sticky residue onto the photos that was not removable. I searched online for solutions, and I even tried to use some water; but that just made the photos wet. After careful consideration, I’ve decided to just take these pictures back with me to China and think of a way to deal with it later. I have realized that there’s a certain rule with dirty pictures taken at the fourth show, which is probably why Yuki drew a silver heart over her lady bits on the pictures I took at the fourth show last time as well.

After sorting the pictures, I showered, and went to sleep.


Activity Tally




10.92 KM

Flights Climbed


Standing Time

15 Hours